Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shopping cart behavior

I haven't traveled much in recent years - maybe in other parts of the country or world, things are different - but I have wondered if shopping cart behavior could be an indication of a decline in civilization - seeing shopping carts all over parking lots, willy nilly, not in the areas provided or even parked on planters, but just left right in the middle of a parking lot, to potentially roll into innocent cars.

Lots and lots of shopping carts, too - going back into the store finally once or twice a day - maybe it is too hot to go out there and get them - it gets worse as the weather gets hotter -
there could be a movie in this -

you say, "she must have a lot of time on her hands, to worry about shopping carts" - well, not really but it is just one of those things I wonder about sometimes as I dodge one of those guys, as if it is gliding across the stage toward me in "Swan Lake".


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